Elderly Care available within 5km of the town Callan


Callan, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland

0.20 Km from Callan

Elderly Care

29 years

6 years experience

Pay: Negotiable

Hi I have plenty of experience working with all ages as I am working in the hospital a few years and before that I was a child minder full time. I am great with people. I am easy going kind person. As I work full time during the day I was looking for over night work......

Last Login: 5:22:24 PM Monday, August 19th 2024


Clashacollare, Callan, Co. Kilkenny, R95, Ireland

1.27 Km from Callan

Elderly Care

44 years

30 years experience

Pay: Negotiable


CV is available for download

Last Login: 1:17:49 PM Monday, September 2nd 2024

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