Elderly Care available within 5km of the town Gweesalia


Cashel, County Tipperary, Ireland

0.19 Km from Gweesalia

Elderly Care

39 years

0 years experience

Pay: Negotiable


Last Login: 3:52:56 PM Tuesday, September 24th 2024


Cashel, Condado de Tipperary, Irlanda

0.19 Km from Gweesalia

Elderly Care

26 years

0 years experience

Pay: Negotiable

I'm 27 years old, I'm a caregiver and nurse, I'm looking for a service to provide care in the patient's home.....

CV is available for download

Last Login: 10:26:03 AM Wednesday, June 12th 2024


Cashel, County Tipperary, Ireland

0.19 Km from Gweesalia

Elderly Care

35 years

3 years experience

Pay: Negotiable

I am a very dedicated and passionate individual who takes pride in helping others and making a positive impact in my community. I have the skills and experience to be an asset in your team.I believe my past experience can be applied to this position and interpersonal skills have helped me build strong working relationship with co-workers and clients alike......

Last Login: 5:50:37 PM Monday, July 22nd 2024


Cashel, County Tipperary, Ireland

0.19 Km from Gweesalia

Elderly Care

60 years

20 years experience

Pay: Negotiable

Hi I have worked with the elderly in St Patrick's hospital in cashel for 15 years also worked in the assessment unit of the hospital helping patients after operations or recovering after major illness ie stroke ,heart attack.Im also a musician and have entertained the elderly folk at the Day care center in cashel and play every year at there Christmas party.Ive recently returned home to look after my elderly mother in our home for 4 years until her passing in 2022 so am now looking to continue to work in caring for the elderly which I love doing......

Last Login: 1:22:16 PM Monday, September 23rd 2024



0.99 Km from Gweesalia

Elderly Care

58 years

8 years experience

Pay: Negotiable

Have lots of experience with the elderly, particularly with dementia......

Last Login: 7:00:11 PM Monday, July 15th 2024

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