Elderly Care available within 5km of the town Kinnegad


Kinnegad, Co. Westmeath, N91, Ireland

0.16 Km from Kinnegad

Elderly Care

44 years

0 years experience

Pay: Negotiable


Last Login: 10:18:06 AM Monday, September 23rd 2024


Kinnegad, County Westmeath, Ireland

0.21 Km from Kinnegad

Elderly Care

41 years

0 years experience

Pay: Negotiable

I am kind, patient and friendly......

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Last Login: 3:44:46 PM Saturday, September 28th 2024


Kinnegad, Co. Westmeath, N91, Ireland

0.42 Km from Kinnegad

Elderly Care

56 years

8 years experience

Pay: Negotiable

A few words written by a family members describes my skills and dedication as a Caregiver. Please take a moment to read. Ms Iwona Almotayam has taken care of my mother until very recently. When I first met Iwona (also known as Yvonne) I was greeted with a smile and great welcome. She is a dedicated caregiver and was incredibly patient, attentive and engaging with Mum. Iwona, who is incredibly kind and considerate, understood this and tried to engage her with programmes Mum previously loved, especially quizzes and current affairs. She lit the fire and put on tv channels she knew Mum would remember and enjoy. She also developed a special diet for Mum. She was as attentive to Mum’s physical care, mobility and hygiene as she was to stimulating her memory and developing a daily routine. Fundamental for those who suffer shot term memory loss in particular. As Mum has other health problems, Iwona was especially vigilant with her medications and taking her to her GP when concerns arose. Iwona is a blessing to this word and to the long term care industry. Caregiving is not a job to her, it is her vocation. Persons in her care are not patients or residents. To her they are Mums, sisters, loved ones. People who need sincere, caring a.....

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Last Login: 9:25:43 PM Thursday, September 5th 2024


Ballinabrackey, Ireland

4.82 Km from Kinnegad

Elderly Care

67 years

10 years experience

Pay: Negotiable


Last Login: 11:22:10 AM Monday, September 2nd 2024

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