Elderly Care available within 5km of the town Timoleague


Timoleague , Co. Cork, P72, Ireland

3.25 Km from Timoleague

Elderly Care

32 years

0 years experience

Pay: Negotiable


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Ballymacowen, Co. Cork, P85, Ireland

4.68 Km from Timoleague

Elderly Care

46 years

2 years experience

Pay: Negotiable

I am patient, caring and trustworthy. Passionate about taking care of the elderly and I have ability to work on my own incentive. My experience in healthcare work includes perform all healthcare assistance to elderly as washing and dressing, assisting to feed, helping to move around, toileting, assistance in housekeeping. Monitoring conditions as checking temperatures and medication prompt......

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Last Login: 8:42:34 PM Wednesday, August 14th 2024

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